archcss ArchCSS

Build modern, responsive websites in less time.

Craft dynamic, feature-rich frontend experiences with a versatile designs. Leverage a utility-first CSS framework for flexible design directly in your HTML

Currently v2.0.0Get started

Why choose Architect

The main feature of archCSS is its extensive collection of utility class. Some of the main features of archCSS include:

All-in-one design pack

Create a consistent web experience by managing your entire website's design system including global colors, icons and fonts.

Responsive design

ArchCSS provides responsive utility class that allow you to create layouts that adapt to different screen sizes.

The Magic of ArchCSS

Create stunning websites with dynamic animations, mobile-responsive designs, custom CSS, and more.

Easy-to-learn syntax

Architect has simple, readable class names like .flex or .items-center, and a simple modifier system like .hover: or .active:, and easy to understand in a few minutes.

Font Awesome 5 support

Architect is compatible with both Font Awesome 4, Font Awesome 5 and laters.

Powerful JavaScript plugins

Add element interactions, pop-ups, tooltips and more. Need more control? Include individual plugins programmatically.