archcss ArchCSS

Utilities › Color

Ui Colors

Change the color with contrasting text and/or background color.

Color HEX Code Preview
primary #03A9F4
secondary #03A9F4
info #03A9F4
success #03A9F4
danger #03A9F4
warning #03A9F4
red #03A9F4
green #03A9F4
blue #03A9F4
dark #03A9F4
light #03A9F4
black #03A9F4
white #03A9F4
pink #03A9F4
purple #03A9F4
indigo #03A9F4
cyan #03A9F4
teal #03A9F4
lime #03A9F4
yellow #03A9F4
amber #03A9F4
orange #03A9F4
lightblue #03A9F4
lightgreen #03A9F4
deeppurple #03A9F4
deeporange #03A9F4
brown #03A9F4
grey #03A9F4
# Text color

Use the power of our .text-* utilities on your elements class.

Primary color [class="text-primary"]
Secondary color [class="text-secondary"]
Success color [class="text-success"]
Danger color [class="text-danger"]
Warning color [class="text-warning"]
Info color [class="text-info"]
Light color [class="text-light"]
Dark color [class="text-dark"]
# Background color

Use the power of our .bg-* utilities on your elements class.

Primary color [class="text-primary"]
Secondary color [class="text-secondary"]
Success color [class="text-success"]
Danger color [class="text-danger"]
Warning color [class="text-warning"]
Info color [class="text-info"]
Light color [class="text-light"]
Dark color [class="text-dark"]
# Other colors

Instead of color and background helpers combine the power of our .text-* utilities and .bg-* utilities class, we have utilities like : .border-*, .outline-*, and many more with shade colors level from {utility}-{color}-100 to {utility}-{color}-900.