archcss ArchCSS

Utilities › Typography


Change the size, weight, and other font properties of the text, including global settings, headings, body text, and more.

# Headings

All HTML headings from <h1> through <h6> are accessible. Additionally, classes .h1 through .h6 are provided to replicate heading font styling when the corresponding HTML element cannot be used.

Heading Size Preview
h1 2.5rem h1. Architect Heading
h2 2rem h2. Architect Heading
h3 1.75rem h3. Architect Heading
h4 1.5rem h4. Architect Heading
h5 1.25rem h5. Architect Heading
h6 1rem h6. Architect Heading
With the fs-* as font-size utility, it's aligned with common sizes used in word processors. This provides a familiar and consistent experience for text styling across your web content.
Syntax: {fs}-{size}, use {qs}-{size} for quote.
  • Text with font-size class [fs-16]
  • Text with font-size class [fs-21]
  • Text with font-size class [fs-28]
  • Quote with `quote-size` class [qs-2]
In the vast landscape of frameworks, where structure meets innovation, we build bridges of efficiency and elevate possibilities, crafting digital realms with the scaffolding of progress.
# Text weight

You can transform the text weight with the use of

Weight Class Preview
thin .fw-100 Transforms text weight to thin
extralight .fw-200 Transforms text weight to extralight
light .fw-300 Transforms text weight to light
normal .fw-400 Transforms text weight to normal
medium .fw-500 Transforms text weight to medium
semibold .fw-600 Transforms text weight to semibold
bold .fw-700 Transforms text weight to bold
extrabold .fw-800 Transforms text weight to extrabold
black .fw-900 Transforms text weight to black
# Font familly

Suppoted font-familly include:

  • body: Use a native font stack that selects the best font-family for each OS and device.
  • headings: Use Segoe UI font.
  • and about 70+ most used Google Fonts predefined class.

# Text alignment

Use text utilities as needed to change the alignment of your elements.

  • .text-left : Makes the text aligned to the left
  • .text-center : Makes the text centered
  • .text-right : Makes the text aligned to the right
  • .text-justified : Makes the text justified

Text left
Text center
Text right
# Text transformation

Use text utilities for controlling the transformation.

  • .uppercase : Transforms all characters to UPPERCASE
  • .lowercase : Transforms all characters to lowercase
  • .capitalize : Transforms the first character of each word to Uppercase
  • .upperfirst : Transforms the first character of the Text to Uppercase

# Text style/decoration

Use text utilities for controlling the style of text.

  • .text-italic : Transforms all characters to italic
  • .text-oblic : Transforms all characters to oblic
  • .underline : underline the text.
  • .underline-* : Utility controlling the underline decoration

Make use of underline
With underline-* utilities, we can use:

  • .underline-{color}: To change the line color. (eg: .underline-red)
  • .underline-{border-style}: To change the line style. (eg: .underline-double)

# Line height


  • .lh-{size} - utility for controlling the leading (line height) of an element.
  • line-height based from a range of 1 to 6

# Line clamp


  • .line-clamp-{lines} - utility for clamping text at a specific number of lines.
  • line-clamp based from a range of 1 to 6